加拿大大西洋龍蝦熱銷中國大陸加拿大大西洋省份的活龍蝦較2年前熱銷逾30倍至中國大陸,變身區域中最重要的龍蝦市場之一;中國大陸於2010年買進103萬美元的農地貸款龍蝦,去年暴增至3,090萬美元,後市看俏。中國大陸買家去年因澳洲龍蝦受限於貿易爭端禁令轉而另尋貨源。中國大陸偏愛重達2磅 以上的大龍蝦。儘管運往中國房屋買賣大陸時間較長(2天),對加拿大龍蝦業的影響力也是不容小噓。美國是加拿大龍蝦的最大買主,繼為進軍歐洲的重要門戶-比利時。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade 房屋出租News, No. 11/2012,15 June 2012) Atlantic Canada is selling 30 times more live lobster to China as it did just two years ago, making it one of 土地買賣the region's most important lobster markets. In 2010 the Chinese bought just C$1 million (US$1.03 million) worth of lobster but that 房屋貸款increased to C$30 (US$30.9 million) million last year and it is expected to continue growing. A trade dispute led to a ban on Australian 禮服lobsters last year, forcing Chinese buyers to turn to other sources. The Chinese like big lobsters, preferring those that are two pounds and 土地買賣up. Even though it takes longer time to ship to China, a 2-day shipment time, but its role has become increasingly important for the lobster 濾桶industry in Canada. Currently Belgium is the second largest buyer of Atlantic lobster, acting as a gateway for Canadian lobster sales into 永慶房屋Europe, with the United States being the top market.

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帛琉 Plurk


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